St Ultans GFC held their AGM for 2022 in the Silver Tankard on Friday the 26th of November. Below are the Executive Committee Officers elected to St Ultans GFC for 2022.
Presidents: Fr Doyle, Teddy Mallon, Sean Bennett (Neilstown), Peter Brady, Oliver Thornton, Des Smyth Sr.
Chairman: Tony Casserly
Vice Chairman: Pat English
Secretary: Seamus Martin
Assist Secretary: Shane Dolan
Treasurer: Tomas Coyne
Assist Treasurer: Derek O’Brien
Gate Voucher: Jim Fitzsimons
County Board Delegates: Michael Ball, Des Murtagh.
Insurance officers: Peter Marley
PRO: Gearoid Rennicks and Tommy Tallon
Children’s Officer: TBC
Health and Wellbeing / Health and Safety Officer: TBC
Club Registrar and I.T: Tommy Tallon and Alan Clynch
Membership: Pat English and Shane Mulroe
Development Officer: Peter Marley
Coaching Officer: Derek O’Brien
Juvenile Coaching Officer: Derek O’Brien
Schools liaison: TBC
Community Officer: Liam Brady
Irish Language Officer: Shane Durcan
Players Representative: Shane Dolan