St Ultans GFC held their AGM for 2020 in Coogan Park Martry

The outgoing treasurer Shane Mulroe stepped away from the top table after a year that included being selector with our U21 team, involved with first team management, organised sponsorship and awards night, help run two fundraisers, played second team and controlled the finances throughout the year. A huge thank you to Shane for his contribution to the club in 2019. Below are the officers elected to St Ultans GFC for 2020.

Presidents: Fr Mackin, Fr Doyle, Teddy Mallon, Sean Bennett (Neilstown), Peter Brady, Tom Kerrigan, Oliver Thornton, Tom Browne.

Chairman: Tony Casserly

Vice Chairman: Pat English

Secretary: David Ball

Assist Sec: James Brennan

Treasurer: TBC

Assist Treasurer: Shane Mulroe / Tomas Coyne

Gate Voucher: Jim Fitzsimons / Mickey Ball

County Board Delegates: Michael Ball, Des Murtagh and Richard Brady

Insurance officer: Peter Marley

PRO: Gearoid Rennicks and Tommy Tallon

Children’s Officer: Derek O’Brien

Health and Wellbeing / Health and Safety Officer: Richard Brady

Club Registrar and I.T: Tommy Tallon, Alan Clynch and Darren Costello

Membership: Pat English, Shane Mulroe, Conor Smyth and Padraig Travers

Development Officer: David Ball

Coaching Officer: Derek O’Brien

Juvenile Coaching Officer: Derek O’Brien

Schools liaison: James Brennan

Community Officer: Liam Brady

Irish Language Officer: David Reilly and Shane Durcan

Players Representative: Shane Dolan

Executive Committee; All the above plus – Johnny Mulroe, Gerry Rennicks, Cian Rennicks, Seamus Martin, Patrick Kavanagh, Thomas Proudfoot, Paddy McLoughlin Sr, Patrick Monaghan, Vincent Rennicks, Sean Boylan, Dessie Rogers, Shane Dolan, PJ Monaghan and Mattie Rogers.