A chara,
Firstly, everyone in St Ultans GFC hopes you and your family are keeping safe and well during these trying times. As you may already know the GAA are in the process of creating a road map that will layout and explain how and when we’ll be able to open our facilities again in the coming weeks and months.
With that in mind our club is currently trying to press the re-start button and prepare for our operations to become active again. All our work is with a view to helping get players and mentors back on the pitch, right from our under 6’s to our adult teams.
A major element of that support is our blotto. With that in mind we’re delighted to announce that our blotto draw will be starting back up on Monday the 8th of June. Members of our executive committee will be back selling envelopes this week. It’s a welcomed small step back to normality. Envelopes can still be dropped in McHughs, Gethin Stores or Newgate Mace.
We’ll also be encouraging people to use the option of playing the blotto online if you like, https://stultansgaa.com/blotto/. This gives you the option of playing easily from home, now updated with a 3 for €5 option.
Our jackpot is almost €6000 and the draws will take place in Seán Newman Park for the coming weeks, every Monday.
The last few weeks have illustrated the importance of community and coming together when times are tough. Your support now will allow us to continue to provide facilities that are used by everyone in our local area. Please support our blotto so we can continue supporting you.
Tony Casserly, Chairman St Ultan’s GFC
Facebook: St. Ultan’s GFC
Twitter: @StUltansGFC
Mob: 083 8220079